Un tiroteo en una escuela de Francia dejó al menos ocho heridos
El tirador es un alumno de 17 años que tenía como objetivo asesinar al director del instituto.
Redacción Vía País
16 de marzo de 2017,
Members of the RAID (Search, Assistance, Intervention, Deterrence) French police unit stand near the Tocqueville high school in the southern French town of Grasse, on March 16, 2017 following a shooting that left eight people injured.nAt least eight peopl
Al menos ocho personas resultaron heridas este jueves en un tiroteo en una escuela de la ciudad de Grasse, en el sur de Francia. El tirador, un adolescente de 17 años, tenía como objetivo asesinar al director del instituto.
El alumno, quien estaba armado con un rifle, dos armas cortas y dos granadas, fue detenido tras el incidente producido en la escuela secundaria Alexis de Tocqueville, y podría sufrir problemas psicológicos.
Como medida de seguridad, las autoridades ordenaron el cierre de todos los centros educativos de la localidad, confinando en su interior a alumnos, profesores y empleados.
Funcionarios locales dijeron que numerosos alumnos buscaron refugio en un supermercado cercano "lo que creó un pánico y rumores de un ataque".
A member of the RAID (Search, Assistance, Intervention, Deterrence) French police unit gestures near the Tocqueville high school in the southern French town of Grasse, on March 16, 2017 following a shooting that left eight people injured.
At least eight p
Firefighters help a person to walk toward a vehicle near the Tocqueville high school in the southern French town of Grasse, on March 16, 2017 following a shooting that left eight people injured.
At least eight people were injured in a shooting at a high s High school students stand near the Tocqueville high school after a shooting incident injuring at least eight people, in Grasse, southern France, March 16, 2017. REUTERS/Eric Gaillard People embrace near the Tocqueville high school after a shooting has taken place injuring at least eight people, in Grasse, southern France, March 16, 2017. REUTERS/Eric Gaillard TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY