El mensaje del Papa Francisco a la familia de Emiliano Sala

El sumo pontífice le dirigió una carta a Martín Molteni, amigo personal del futbolista fallecido en el trágico accidente.

TOPSHOT - CORRECTION - A friend of late Argentine footballer Emiliano Sala, kisses his coffin after it was loaded on a hearse, during his funeral at the Club Atletico y Deportivo San Martin in Progreso, Santa Fe, Argentina on February 16, 2019. - The death in a plane crash of Cardiff City striker Emiliano Sala was a cruel blow to family, friends and supporters in his home village in Argentina, and on Saturday they came, grieving, from miles around to pay their respects. (Photo by JUAN MABROMATA / AFP) / “The erroneous mention[s] appearing in the metadata of this photo by JUAN MABROMATA has been modified in AFP systems in the following manner: [A friend] instead of [Romina Sala, sister]. Please immediately remove the erroneous mention[s] from all your online services and delete it (them) from your servers. If you have been authorized by AFP to distribute it (them) to third parties, please ensure that the same actions are carried out by them. Failure to promptly comply with these instruc
TOPSHOT - CORRECTION - A friend of late Argentine footballer Emiliano Sala, kisses his coffin after it was loaded on a hearse, during his funeral at the Club Atletico y Deportivo San Martin in Progreso, Santa Fe, Argentina on February 16, 2019. - The death in a plane crash of Cardiff City striker Emiliano Sala was a cruel blow to family, friends and supporters in his home village in Argentina, and on Saturday they came, grieving, from miles around to pay their respects. (Photo by JUAN MABROMATA / AFP) / “The erroneous mention[s] appearing in the metadata of this photo by JUAN MABROMATA has been modified in AFP systems in the following manner: [A friend] instead of [Romina Sala, sister]. Please immediately remove the erroneous mention[s] from all your online services and delete it (them) from your servers. If you have been authorized by AFP to distribute it (them) to third parties, please ensure that the same actions are carried out by them. Failure to promptly comply with these instruc

Luego del homenaje y el funeral de Emiliano Sala, se conoció el mensaje que el papa Francisco le brindó a los familiares del futbolista fallecido en un accidente aéreo.

El texto lleva la firma del asesor para los asuntos generales de la Secretaría de Estado, Paolo Borgia, y es una respuesta a un pedido de Martín Molteni, amigo personal de la víctima. Dice lo siguiente:

Estimado en el Señor: Acuso recibo de su mensaje, en el que hace partícipe al Santo Padre de la triste pérdida de su amigo Emiliano Sala.

En nombre de Su Santidad, tengo a bien agradecerle esta muestra de confianza, como también transmitirle su pesar en estos momentos de sufrimiento, asegurándole su oración para que el Señor le conceda fortaleza en la fe, para afrontar el dolor con esperanza cristiana.

Con estos sentimientos, le imparte de corazón la Bendición Apostólica, que complacido hace extensiva a su familia y demás seres queridos.

Aprovecho la ocasión para manifestarle mi consideración y estima en Cristo.

Firmado: Monseñor Paolo Borgia.

Cabe recordar que la familia Sala le había solicitado al sumo pontífice que interfiriera en su momento para que no se frenara la búsqueda de Emiliano.

Carta del Papa Francisco a la familia Sala
Carta del Papa Francisco a la familia Sala
Carta del Papa Francisco a la familia Sala
Carta del Papa Francisco a la familia Sala