¿Llega al Mundial? El médico que operará a Neymar llevó más preocupación a Brasil
El jugador será operado este sábado y estará un largo rato alejado de las canchas.
Redacción Vía País
1 de marzo de 2018,
¿Llega al Mundial? El médico que operará a Neymar llevó más preocupación a Brasil\u002E Foto: REUTER\u002E
Neymar, figura del París Saint-Germain y la Selección de Brasil, llegó esta mañana a Río de Janeiro para someterse el sábado a una operación en su pie derecho que podría dejarlo fuera de las canchas por casi tres meses, llegando con lo justo al Mundial de Rusia 2018.
CORRECTION - A picture obtained from Twitter account of @Claire_Dorland shows Brazilian superstar Neymar as he arrives at Rio de Janeiro after flying from Paris on March 1, 2018 ahead of an operation on his fractured foot.
Brazilian superstar Neymar flew into Rio de Janeiro early Thursday ahead of an operation on his fractured foot that will rule him out for up to three months. Neymar suffered a hairline fracture of the fifth metatarsal in his right foot as well as a twisted ankle late in PSG's 3-0 win over Marseille in Ligue 1 on Sunday / AFP PHOTO / Twitter / Claire Dornald Clauzel / "This photo by Claire Dornald Clauzel has been modified in AFP systems in the following manner: Caption addition:[A picture obtained from Twitter account of @Claire_Dorland]. It also changes source to [Twitter] instead of [AFP]. Please immediately remove the previous version[s] from all your online services and delete it (them) from your servers. If you have been authorized by AFP to distribute it (them)
El atacante llegó en un avión de Air France proveniente de París con el médico de la selección brasileña, Rodrigo Lasmar, quien lo operará este fin de semana en Belo Horizonte.
CORRECTION - A picture obtained from Twitter account of @Claire_Dorland shows Brazilian superstar Neymar as he arrives at Rio de Janeiro after flying from Paris on March 1, 2018 ahead of an operation on his fractured foot.
Brazilian superstar Neymar flew into Rio de Janeiro early Thursday ahead of an operation on his fractured foot that will rule him out for up to three months. Neymar suffered a hairline fracture of the fifth metatarsal in his right foot as well as a twisted ankle late in PSG's 3-0 win over Marseille in Ligue 1 on Sunday / AFP PHOTO / Twitter / Claire Dornald Clauzel / "This photo by Claire Dornald Clauzel has been modified in AFP systems in the following manner: Caption addition:[A picture obtained from Twitter account of @Claire_Dorland]. It also changes source to [Twitter] instead of [AFP]. Please immediately remove the previous version[s] from all your online services and delete it (them) from your servers. If you have been authorized by AFP to distribute it (them)
"No es una simple fisura, es una fractura de un hueso importante en mitad del pie. El periodo (de recuperación) será alrededor de dos meses y medio y tres meses", dijo Lasmar a los periodistas, llevando más preocupación a Brasil sobre la presencia del crack en la próxima Copa del Mundo, que comenzará el 14 de junio.
Brazil's national football team's chief doctor Rodrigo Lasmar -due to operate football star Neymar- speaks with the media at Antonio Carlos Jobim international airport in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil on March 1, 2018.
Brazilian star Neymar will undergo foot surgery next March 3, which will sideline him for up to three months, casting a long shadow over Paris Saint-Germain and Brazil's World Cup preparations.. / AFP PHOTO / Carl DE SOUZA
"Nuestra preocupación es la salud del jugador en primer lugar. Nuestro desafío es que se recupere bien y esté disponible para su club y para la selección cuanto antes", aseguró Lasmar. Y agregó: "Intentaremos al máximo estar dentro de los plazos y que llegue bien para las finales del campeonato con el PSG y para la selección brasileña".