Una influencer explicó la pose para parecer más flaca en las fotos

Esta joven demostró que no todo es lo que parece en las redes sociales, el ángulo de la foto y la iluminación hacen más que el Photoshop.

Una influencer explicó la pose para parecer más flaca en las fotos
Bloggera trucos para ser flaca.

Los cuerpos perfectos invaden las redes sociales, especialmente Instagram. Los expertos en fitness se convirtieron en los nuevos referentes.

Pero la instagramer tailandesa Sara Puhto, que constantemente publica tips de belleza y recetas saludables, demostró que no todos los cuerpos torneados son realmente así. La chica armó un collage con fotos de ella misma posando -con y sin "técnica adelgazante"- y dejó en evidencia cómo una simple pose lo cambia todo.

Según Sara, la postura tiene mucho que ver con la imagen que va a reflejarse en la foto. "En un mundo donde las nalgas de Kardashian son tan glorificadas, tenemos que recordar que las fotos que vemos de ella y otras no son siempre realidad. Sus traseros no pueden siempre verse tan grandes desde todos los ángulos", observa la bloguera.

24 hour transformation photo- Christmas edition ??? First photo was taken in the morning after waking up. The second photo was 8 hours after the first and after eating a whole bunch of delicious Christmas food and a having a few drinks. And the third was taken 24 hours after, just after waking up, no workout in between these photos and no flexing/sucking my tummy in. I'm sorry these photos look kind of cringe, they're taken from my least flattering angle ? I know a lot of people are afraid to eat a lot and eat unhealthy when they're working out and trying to lose weight because they think it'll hinder their progress. I wanted to post this photo to show that it's okay if you eat a huuge amount of food because your body will bounce back from it, your tummy will go down but it's also normal to be bloated after a large unhealthy meal because you will have water retention. But it won't ruin your months of progress. It's always good to treat yourself to a meal and not be thinking about fitness and dieting 24/7, life is too short for that, so don't skip out on foods that make you happy. Do not restrict and feel guilty about eating a lot or certain foods. Food is meant to fuel you, not make you upset and fitness is a lifestyle where you will have ups and downs. Nobody has the perfect body all the time. So treat yoself and feel good!! Also never restrict your food or workout for hours after a cheat meal. Don't beat yourself up about it because there's no reason to, you've done nothing wrong. I hope you all had an absolutely lovely Christmas with your loved ones ☺️?

A photo posted by Sara Puhto (@saggysara) on Dec 26, 2016 at 2:12am PST

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