El cantante de Queens of the Stone Age le pateó la cabeza a una fotógrafa

Le dio una patada en la cabeza a una mujer que cubría un show de la banda muy cerca del escenario.

El cantante de Queens of the Stone Age le pateó la cabeza a una fotógrafa
Josh Homme, líder de Queens of the Stone Age\u002E

El cantante de Queens of the Stone Age, Josh Homme, le dio una patada en la cabeza a una fotógrafa que cubría un show de la banda muy cerca del escenario.

Chelsea Lauren, de la agencia Shutterstock, denunció en Instagram lo que pasó la noche del sábado en la guardia de un centro de salud.

"Una agresión de cualquier forma no está bien, no importa cuál sea el razonamiento. Estaba donde me autorizaron a estar, no estaba rompiendo ninguna regla. Simplemente estaba tratando de hacer mi trabajo", posteó Lauren.

Thank you everyone that has reached out with supportive messages. A small update, as I'm being flooded with questions: My neck is a sore, my eyebrow bruised and I'm a bit nauseous. The doctor released me early in the morning. Here are three images. Two of them as Josh looked at me, smiled and then kicked me. The other one is later after he cut his own face with a knife. I was in the pit in tears - and he just stared at me smiling. Assault in any form is not okay, no matter what the reasoning. Alcohol and drugs are no excuse. I was where I was allowed to be, I was not breaking any rules. I was simply trying to do my job. I hold nobody accountable for this but Josh himself. KROQ has nothing to do with this and I will always support them. The irony is someone had thrown an ice cube on to the very slick catwalk before the QOTSA set. I was afraid that one of the band members might slip and hurt themselves so, when the lights went dark, I used my arm to wipe down the runway so nobody would hurt themselves. Thank you to @variety for their immediate concern and care with this matter. As of now, nobody from QOTSA has reached out to me. #queensofthestoneage #QOTSA #JoshHomme

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"Estaba perdido en la actuación. Nunca causaría daño intencional a nadie trabajando en o asistiendo a uno de nuestros shows y espero que Chelsea acepte mi sincera disculpa", escribió en Twitter el cantante.