Un bombero rescató a un lagarto que estaba a punto de morir ahogado

Unos niños lo alertaron sobre el animal y el hombre acudió de inmediato.

Un bombero rescató a un lagarto que estaba a punto de morir ahogado
Bombero ayuda a un lagarto

Un bombero australiano se ganó el aplauso de todos los presentes tras lograr socorrer a un lagarto que luchaba por su vida luego de haberse ahogado.

El hecho ocurrió el sábado en Nueva Gales del Sur, Australia, y el hombre resultó un verdadero héroe al reaccionar rápidamente y aplicar técnicas de reanimación cardiopulmonar (RCP) sobre el animal.

*WARNING DISTRESSING CONTENT* with a very happy ending. On Saturday one our off duty firefighters was asked to attend a neighbourhood pool where a drowning had occurred. Upon arriving at the scene a youngster was laying unconscious and not breathing after being found un-responsive in a pool skimmer box by some children after failing to ‘scale’ from the pool. Immediately getting to work the 37 firefighter checked for a response by looking, listening and feeling for life the patient appeared cold blooded. After receiving no response the youngster was turned onto its back and Cardiopulmonary compressions started in an attempt to get a spring in his tail. After more than ten minutes things weren’t looking good for the little fella but soon after an occasional “gasping breath” was noticed. From previous experience our firefighters know this is not the time to stop so CPR was continued. Then miraculously “Lucky” the lizard started to breath on his own. He was quickly rolled back onto his stomach and within half an hour with a little sunshine was back to chasing insects. It also serves as a timely reminder to know your CPR action plan in and around the water as we head towards the end of summer.Another great save by the Gordon crew. Fire and Rescue NSW St John Ambulance Surf Life Saving NSW #preparedforanything Taroonga Zoo #beardeddragon #CPRsaveslives

Posted by Fire and Rescue NSW Station 037 Gordon on Sunday, February 2, 2020

En las imágenes se puede observar como el lagarto se encontraba inconsciente y no respiraba. El bombero comenzó a practicarle el pequeños golpes cardíacos con un dedo hasta que el animal fue recuperando de a poco la respiración.

El cuartel de bomberos subió el video a sus redes sociales y aprovechó la viralización del contenido para concientizar sobre el conocimiento de estas técnicas y asegurar que es muy importante "conocer un plan de acción de RCP dentro y alrededor del agua para salvar a cualquier ser vivo".