Viral: Tiene una sola pierna y sorprende con sus espectaculares disfraces de Halloween

Josh Sundquist perdió su pierna izquierda cuando tenía 9 años. Cada año se supera con los disfraces se pone.

Viral: Tiene una sola pierna y sorprende con sus espectaculares disfraces de Halloween
Josh Sundquist perdió su pierna izquierda cuando tenía 9 años\u002E

Cada año, los estadounidenses esperan con ansias la fiesta de Haloween para salir a las calles disfrazados a pedir caramelos y golosinas. A está típica fiesta norteamericana se le agregó el detalle infaltable del disfraz que elige Josh Sundquist para celebrar el día de los muertos vivos. 

¿Por que se genera la expectativa? ​Josh perdió la pierna izquierda cuando tenía 9 años y sufrió un sarcoma de Ewing. Sin embargo, año a año se las ingenia para hacer uno de su discapacidad para reírse y hacer reir.

“Siempre me he enfrentado a la incomodidad social por mi discapacidad con sentido del humor. Pero ahora me siento más cómodo con quién soy y con mi aspecto, y creo que con estos disfraces de Halloween se podría decir que hasta celebro lo que me hace distinto. Lo que puede ser extraño o refrescante, depende de tu perspectiva", aseguró.

Estos son algunos de sus disfraces:

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Here’s my Halloween costume!

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HALLOWEEN COUNTDOWN 👻 5 days • #TBT to #Halloween 2016 • I wanted to dress as this character last year because the live-action version of the movie was coming out a few months later, and I knew Ewan McGregor was going to be playing a two-legged version of Lumiere. I was afraid that after the movie was released, the animated monopod Lumiere of our childhoods would be replaced in the popular consciousness by Ewan McGregor's biped Lumiere. • Which, in hindsight, I don't think has happened. The movie was fantastic, but it seems like people still imagine the animated version when they think of this character. Sidenote: In my humble opinion Disney should have kept Lumiere's original body-shape by casting me for the role. Just saying.

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HALLOWEEN COUNTDOWN 👻 7.5 days • Here's a throwback to 2012, when my then-girlfriend-now-wife Ashley suggested I dress up as the leg lamp from "A Christmas Story." • I have to be honest here: I had never seen the movie. I grew up in a pretty religiously conservative home where we did not do things like watch PG movies or, for that matter, celebrate Halloween. On Halloween, we actually locked the doors and turned all the lights off so no one would come trick or treat at our house. Which all makes it kind of funny that Halloween has become such a significant holiday in my life. (They probably wouldn't admit it, but I think even my parents get a little excited about Halloween now.)

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HALLOWEEN COUNTDOWN ? 8 days • Here's a throwback to 2010, the very first year I dressed in an one-leg-themed-type costume. Back then, you didn't do it for the Instagram because it hadn't been invented yet. I just wanted to have a costume that would make my friends LOL—which they did. • The main feedback I got from strangers, though, was people wondering where I had hidden my leg in the costume. "That's amazing! How'd you do that?” • Anyway, I got the idea from Shrek. Remember? NOT THE GUMDROP BUTTONS! I just bought a regular gingerbread man costume online and then cut off the leg with scissors, trying to create those teeth-marks in the fabric. It was the easiest costume I’ve ever made. • So there was this website back then called DailyBooth. Sort of an old-school Instagram where you took photos on a webcam instead of a mobile phone. (Because, again, this was 2010. I mean, I had a Blackberry at the time.) So that's where I took this photo. On a webcam. And that's why it's so grainy. • After I snapped the webcam photo on DailyBooth, I left my apartment with my friends to go to a Halloween party. Later, we just wandered around the city in our costumes, taking photos with strangers (using our Blackberries, of course), like you do on #Halloween

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Human fidget spinner. Possible Halloween costume?

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